9 Every day habits that are making you older fast

  1. Alcohal : Everyone knows that drinking is bad for health . however , did you know it can also speed up ageing
  2. Lack of Laughter : Insufficient moments of joy and laughter may not only makes life less enjoyable but can also contribute to increase stress level , potentially accelerating the ageing process .                           
  3. Sittting All Day : Prolong period of sitting can lead to muscle stiffness , poor blood circulation , and a range of health essues that contribute to premature ageing 
  4. .Staying Indoor : Lack of exposure to free air and natural sun light may lead vitamin deficiencies and impact mental wellbeing , potentially speeding up the ageing process.                                                           
  5. Poor Diet : Consuming high amounts of processed foods , unhealthy fats , taking more sugar ,and unheallthy fats leads to contribute to inflammation and oxidation stress , accelerating the ageing process .
  6. Too Much Fake Light : Overexposure to artificial lighting , especially at night , can disrupt circadian rhythms , affecting sleep quality and potentially contributing to premature ageing  .                                         
  7. Not having goals : Lacks of purpose and direction can leads to feeling of stagnation and contribute to stress , impacting both mental and physical health in ways that may accelerate ageing .                                 
  8. Less sleep : Chronic sleep deprivation not only affects physical and mental well being but also accelerates the ageing process by hindering the body’s natural repair mechanisms .
  9. Stress : Taking too much stress of work . Now days the pressure of lots of work leads to stress . stresss also stops the body’s natural healing process . that increasing the age by looks like old than you are .

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